All Abus D keys are special ordered from ABUS Germany. Allow a shipping delay of up to 4 weeks.
Replacement keys cannot be returned or refunded
ABUS Extra Classe dimple key. This key is used in a variety of high end Abus Locks.
25 series Diskus locks, 75 series padlocks, U-lock 46, first series 6000 Bordo Folding locks, Steel-O-Flex 896, Cable locks 894 and 895 and the new Brake disc locks Detecto RS1, RS2 and RS3
Compare your spare key with the image above
Enter the key number found on your remaining key or key code card.
The key number will never be on the lock. Without the key number we can't order replacement keys.
The key code will usually start with a D or EC + 4 or 5 digits.