Mul-T-Lock MTL600 Interactive+ Cut Key
# 206PKEY600-CUT
Profile 206S with nylon blue head.
Mul-T-Lock keys are protected and can only be ordered through authorized vendors.
Part of the high security level, these special keys cannot be duplicated at just any hardware store.
If you purchased your Mul-T-Lock product from Lockitt ( we need to have record of your purchase) all you need to enter is the 5 letter and 5 digit code on the bottom of your 206 key code card.
The key code will look like xZxxx 10111.
If you did not originally purchase from us, you can still order replacement keys but you have to email us an image of the code card before we can cut your replacement key(s).
All new keys supplied will be Interactive + and will work with either standard Interactive and Interactive Plus (MTL600) locks.
This key is for profile 206 ONLY.
We are not able to cut your key if you have a restricted keyway.